Dream Center Golden Triangle is a domestic mission organization uniquely called to, and for,the communities that represent the Golden Triangle Region of northeast Mississippi. DreamCenter Golden Triangle recognizes the roots of our communities socioeconomic problems arecentered in the human heart.
Our desire is to actively engage, not A church, but The Church,in demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ in comprehensive practical action, providingmonetary and Human Resources to bring Biblical solutions to our communities deepestchallenges resulting in changed lives and transformed neighborhoods.Our time tested and proven domestic mission programs offer the opportunity to cross overdenominational and cultural borders and actually fulfill the heart of Jesus “that they may all beone; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in us, so that the worldmay believe that you sent Me.” John 17:21. This is our John 17 moment.
Dream Center Golden Triangle is a charitable domestic mission's organization uniquely called to, and for, the Golden Triangle area of MS. We recognize the roots of our community socioeconomic problems are centered in the human heart. The Dream Center crosses over denominational and cultural borders to demonstrate the love of Christ in comprehensive practical action, providing monetary and human resources to bring Biblical solutions to community problems and lasting change to our Northeast Mississippi communities.
Cole Bryan
John Almond
Debbie Hinshaw
John Reese
Brenda Almond
Nathan Miller
Brandt Galloway
Meg Ebert
Cole Bryan
Executive Director
Zach Thomas
John Almond
Founding Director
Debbie Hinshaw
John Reese
Brenda Almond
Executive Assistant
Board Member
Elle Willis
Board Member
Nathan Miller
Board Member
Meg Ebert
Board Member
Dream Center Golden Triangle's mission is to share the love of Christ. Partner with us to find needs and fill them, find hurts and heal them.
Together we can heal addiction, child bedlessness, child sexual exploitation, hunger and human trafficking. Let's reach those in need right where they are.
All Rights Reserved | Dream Center
Dream Center Golden Triangle is a 501(c)(3) public charity.
All Rights Reserved | Dream Center